Workshops and Trainings
Teaching Tolerance is an approved professional development provider, so it is easy to bring their teacher and administrator in-service trainings and workshops to your school or educational organization. We offer clock hours for all our modules. Each will give participants a fundamental understanding of the principles of social justice education and proven teaching strategies for engaging students with them. There are several areas of focus:
The Deep Dive - Day Long Professional Development Trainings
Teaching Tolerance has done several day long trainings in conjunction with Seattle University's Poverty Center, exploring topics like Teaching the (Civil Rights) Movement, the Trump Effect, and why students need to see themselves reflected in their curriculum. The Deep Dive allows educators to engage with Teaching Tolerance and with each other in thinking deeply about how the core principles of elevating Identity, Diversity, Justice, and Action in all our educational endeavors can help us to teach with an Equity Lens every day. Participants will have the opportunity to do the following:
Learn or become reacquainted with Teaching Tolerance's Social Justice Standards framework and the "Teaching with an Equity Lens" approach.
Focus closely on one of eight core topics:
Ability, Bias & Bullying, Race & Ethnicity, Gender & Sexuality, Immigration, Class, Religion, Rights & Activism.
Workshop how to incorporate each of these into broader topics like Science, Social Studies, Art, or English Language Arts.
Understand how to use all of Teaching Tolerance's amazing FREE resources: webinars, the newsletter, the magazine, the specific grade level standards, the Perspectives anthology, activities and strategies, lesson plans and lesson builder, teaching community, film kits, and more!
Discuss how Excellence in Teaching Award Winners are incorporating social justice education in their classes at the preschool, primary, secondary, middle, and high school levels.
Share ideas and connect with other educators interested in Social Justice.
Gather specific To-Dos for developing a reusable portfolio of lessons and activities.
Discover the "Ten Things You Can Do Today" to connect and engage with the Teaching Tolerance community.
I lead dynamic, interactive Teaching Tolerance programs so participants can feel confident they are engaging in the best practices in social justice education. Trainings are designed to be both universal and customizable. Participants will come away understanding the Social Justice Standards, the Teaching Tolerance anthology, how to create and share lessons using the Lesson Builder, and get a customized tour through the lessons, resources, ideas, and strategies that speak to your school's demographics, interests, and philosophy.
Are you a school with a high immigrant population, or a high African American population? Are your students from a privileged background? Are you an all-girls school? Or a STEAM-focused school? Teaching Tolerance is continuously curating its anthology of authentic texts and media. It's also bringing you ideas every week for responding to current events with NOW Teaching strategies. Teaching Tolerance will help your teachers bring their best practices to this important work.
The Activist Afternoon- Two to Four Hour Hands On Trainings
These sessions allow participants to get an overview of our offerings, then get right into developing their own portfolio of Lessons and Activities. After an overview of the Perspectives curriculum and the Social Justice standards educators can focus on topics they are already teaching, or would like to incorporate, then choose materials and activities from the Teaching Tolerance Perspectives curriculum to infuse into their classes right away. Participants in these workshops will do the following:
Learn or become reacquainted with Teaching Tolerance's Social Justice Standards framework and the "Teaching with an Equity Lens" approach.
Receive both Teacher and Student - versions of the Social Justice Standards to post in their classes.
Set-up their FREE online accounts and create their first Perspectives Learning Plans.
Develop a goal of sharing lessons, ideas, and support with their colleagues going forward.
Takeaway quick and easy ideas for school-wide social justice events, like our national Mix-It-Up at Lunch initiative, Speak Up at School, and Stand Up!
Discover the "Ten Things You Can Do Today" to connect and engage with the Teaching Tolerance community.
The Family Social Justice League - Empowering Evenings for Families
Including families in your school conversations about Equity and Empathy can help get everyone on the same page. In evening programs parents and caregivers can share their own goals for raising caring, confident, and empathetic kids and teens, who will understand what equity looks like, and will help create that wherever they go in the world. Our evening workshops will help parents understand Teaching Tolerance principles, and give them great ideas for empowering their own social justice super heroes! These programs are custom tailored for your school community and can include the following:
Ideas for turning kids and teens into confident advocates for themselves and others!
A guide to choosing great Teaching Tolerance texts and media for your kids, featuring awesome social justice heroes!
The best ways to raise your own social justice heroes!
Insider tips for helping teachers create an environment that supports and reflects all students, regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, immigration story, or ability!
Customized Professional Development Opportunities
In addition to providing Teaching Tolerance's standard presentations and trainings to non-profits, universities, and districts, my job at Teaching the Dream is to create TT-based professional development that meets your needs in social justice and equity education. Topics include:
Curriculum Coaching - ongoing curriculum coaching at your school, for teachers who want to incorporate all eight of the Teaching Tolerance focus areas into their work.
Responding to Hate and Bias - helping your school community support students when incidents have happened.